Did you hear the story about the microbiologist who used her microscope to see the microorganism whilst solving the global health issue of the day?  

I’m sure the ending is important and fascinating in equal measure, but what we want to know is did she use micro-ambitions on a daily basis to help her work towards her macro-goal?                                                                                                                                                                    

At Disegno, we are all over the concept of micro-ambitions, ours, yours and anybody else’s, whomever may be interested in bringing this simple but very effective concept into their daily work and life design.


What are micro-ambitions?

Micro-ambitions are the small daily, weekly steps we take in our direction of travel, using our longer term plans as a compass to guide us.

When we strip away the superficial illusions created by the Insta gratification, Facebook fabulous world in which we live, we know that in reality to make stuff happen requires commitment, the creation of daily habits, and having the stamina, drive and determination to keep going. Motivation follows action, so by implication the more we do in a considered micro-ambitious way, the greater our motivation to keep going.


How do we work in a micro-ambitious way? 

Our approach to living micro-ambitiously is simple and it works.  We love big ideas and creative life designs and support our clients to plan out three different future career/life options. We encourage them to think about what will be going on in all areas of their future life: work, family, health and  spirituality, if appropriate. We use tools and exercises to bring future possible realities to life.

And then, given their increased clarity, our clients choose which direction to take. We know that we can’t have all the sweets in the sweet shop – we have to narrow down, make decisions, choose and then lean into our choices. Otherwise we may continue a harried existence in the doldrums of “what if’s”.

Once our clients have clarity around their particular choice, we bring them back to the here and now. From there, we work out which real time conversations they can have and with whom, and which real time experiences (interning, shadowing, project or contract work) they can create, to help them move forward in a practical way. We concentrate on putting together an action plan of concrete steps, a flow of micro-ambitions, which they can implement today, tomorrow and next week, in pursuit of their larger career or life plan.  For a future plan to be achievable, the actions that you take have to be meaningful, grounded and deliverable.


What are the benefits of working in this way?

Micro-ambitions relieve the stress of the seemingly insurmountable challenge of the large goal – running the marathon, doubling your turnover, launching your business, changing your career – whatever that challenge may be. Big, out-there progress is difficult and sticky to track  and we often lose motivation. If we break our plan down into smaller bite size daily, weekly chunks, then we create momentum, movement and energy. We enjoy increased confidence because we’re getting closer to where we want to be. It fosters a greater sense of possibility.

Taking action generates a circle of energy. By working through practical micro-ambitions, you’ll find more comes back your way – new ideas, more connections and emerging networks.

Micro ambitions are daily, consistent steps which are ultimately transformative. Working in this way releases pressure and creates an environment of achievement. A string of completed tasks bolsters our motivation. 


Developing a system for your micro-ambitions and keeping track is vital:

We always recommend pre-planning your day the evening before. Note your micro-ambitions for the following day but please keep it realistic. We’re working towards developing a sense of achievement, not setting ourselves up for failure!

Add a couple of other notes to your journal to include points such as…Who did I meet? What did I learn? Where did that take my thinking?

Review your journal on a weekly and monthly basis. Therein lies your next stage plans. If you can stand back and ask yourself “what does the story of how I am choosing to allocate my time tell me?” The answer will illuminate your path forward.

Periodically, (we suggest monthly), refer back to your larger plan, your direction of travel. What are you learning en route – what journey alterations might you want to make?

If you’re a solopreneur, we suggest finding a supportive colleague or friend with whom you can regularly check-in. Be sure to create a schedule so that it doesn’t just spiral into a chat or a catch up. Hearing yourself describe your daily/weekly action plan will help to build that sense of achievement, energy and will create accountability.

And as for the microbiologist, well…she bought her ticket to the awards ceremony. The Nobel Prize that is – of course!